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Upcoming Advanced Train in Future || 2050 || Hyperloop Train

Right now, one of the biggest ways to get around the countries we live in are trains. Trains ferry people and all sorts of car go around in an efficient and reliable manner, which is why they've been in use for hundredsof years. But...if we're being honest here, while trainsare efficient and reliable in certain ways...they aren't exactly fast. Especially when it comes to passenger andfreight trains. They can take a LONG time to get to theirdestinations and at times it's more logical to take other modes of transportation.

 Which is why companies are making specialkinds of trains that can go MUCH faster. You know of the magnetic trains of Japan nodoubt, but others like the Virgin Hyperloop are trying to push things even farther. "Passengers or cargo are loaded into the hyperloopvehicle and accelerate gradually via electric propulsion through a low-pressure tube.

The vehicle floats above the track using magneticlevitation and glides at airline speeds for long distances thanks to ultra-low aerodynamicdrag." Science-fiction? Hardly, in fact, the first vehicle of theHyperloop has already been tested and proven, and some larger tests are being scheduledfor the next few years. And if this works, traveling across the countrywill be MUCH faster. How much faster?

 The hyperloop aims to send people shootingacross the tubes that they make at a rate of about 600 miles per hour. Which means, IF they were ready to do thisacross the whole us from East to West (or Vice Versa) you'll travel acrossthe whole country in about 5 hours give or take. Considering it would take MUCH longer fora regular train ride, or car ride, that's a big improvement. And they're planning to do this with not justpeople, but cargo, imagine being able to ship something in the morning on the West Coastto the East Coast and KNOW it will get there before the day ends. That is quite impressive. Plus, the tubes would be built undergroundas to not disturb wildlife, AND, they will go and make it in a way where there are NOcarbon emissions. So they're fast, they're reliable, they won'tharm the planet...seems like a win all around.

Of course, you do have to wonder what it wouldbe like to be on a 600mph train thing, but hey, we just find out soon! And by 2050, this could be one of the mainmodes of transportation around the world!

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